Wednesday, 11 January 2012

First planning applications of 2012: Milton Rd and Campkin Rd

After a few weeks without any planning applications this week there are two to report to you.

Firstly the Jenny Wren pub on Campkin Road has applied for a "new pitched entrance canopy to existing main entrance." The planning reference number is 11/1567/FUL, or click on the link to go to the online planning system of the City Council.

The second application is at 347 Milton Road and is a retrospective application (meaning work that has been made without permission and the applicants want to make it legal) for "front boundary wall, fences and gates". The reference number is 12/0008/FUL, or again follow the link.

Details of how to look in person, or how to comment on applications is available online. In case of difficulty contact the team.

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