Sunday, 6 February 2011

Read-In at Arbury Court Library

Julian Huppert MP, Mike Pitt and Clare BlairYesterday's read-in at Arbury Court Library was a great success. The library was packed with people reading and determined to do what they can to help support the Library Service and save it from damage.

Julian Huppert came along to lend his support after his morning surgery, and in the rather posed photo at the top you can see me, Julian and East Chesterton Councillor Clare Blair. Many residents took up the chance to chat to Julian about libraries and other issues.

There was also a photographer from the Cambridge News, and I'll update this post with a link when they publish their story and picture.

It was nice to meet a lot of old friends I wasn't expecting to see, as well as the members of the Friends group.

One resident chatted to me about the value of the library to her in gaining legal advice, others about the importance for their children, others about their role in providing access to services that are online.

The Friends of Arbury Library did a superb job organising the event: and they deserve a huge thank you. Your local Focus team will continue to campaign to protect Cambridge Libraries, not just at Arbury Court but also on Milton Road and throughout the City. Libraries are not a luxury but an important part of our educational and social infrastrcuture.

We will keep you posted about any future events, or anything else you can do to help.

Update 8/2/11: The Cambridge News article was published yesterday.

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Published and promoted by Andy Pellew, Mike Pitt, Neil McGovern, Simon Brierley and the Cambridge Liberal Democrats, all of 16 Signet Court, Swann Road, Cambridge.

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