Monday 5 December 2011

Minor Highways issues within Kings Hedges

As you might have picked up from the minutes of the Cambridge Area Environment and Traffic Management Committee (no? It's a riveting read) Cambridgeshire Highways used to have a list of all the open highways issues in each division (split into unfunded and those with an identified means of funding) which would come to the AJC meeting, be discussed (usually added to) and then would be back in the hands of officers who would get done what they could, identifying new streams of funding if possible, and then report back to the next meeting of the AJC.

As you can see it's a fairly simple process but doesn't actually add a lot of value as a) most of the work is done by officers and (in my view more significantly) b) it encourages Councillors to get things added to the list that won't ever get done. Basically anything that doesn't have an obvious source of funding, isn't a legal requirement, or isn't part of some bigger project is just not going to happen.

The list, after a few years of b), is now pretty long and some of the the reasons why some of the items are sitting on the list have been lost in the mist of time.

Clearly it's time for a change and so the County Officers are now proposing that they spend some time in each Division with local members and prepare a list of highways issues relevant to that division.

In light of that I've been looking at the highways list we already have for Kings Hedges and the new items that people have already suggested (note that in some cases it is a problem that needs a solution rather than a solution!) and come up with the following list;

  • 20mph speed limit on Northfield Avenue (outside KH Primary School), 
  • Coach parking on Woodhead Drive, 
  • Car parking on Lovell Road, 
  • Arbury Road cycle path (specifically doing something around the Milton Road junction), 
  • Verge parking on Milton Road, 
  • Pavement parking across the division,
  • Traffic improvements on Arbury Road outside the Manor,
  • Verge parking on Hawkins Road, and 
  • Cycle route on KH road (specifically around CRC junction)

That's just off the top of my head. What else do you think should be on this list?

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