Thursday 2 June 2011

Notification of Tree Removals - Apthorpe Way

I have been notified by the City Council that the County Council Highways Department has instructed them to remove four early mature silver maples in Apthorpe Way. These trees are causing subsidence damage to two of the adjacent properties.

The consultation included the three options;

1) Do nothing. Retain the existing trees and either resist of accept any potential claim for damages. This option is not acceptable to the County Council.

2) Reduce the crown of the tree to reduce the trees water update. This would need to be substantial (50%) and due to the vigorous nature of the trees and the expectation of fairly rapid re-growth it would be necessary to repeat the process every two years in order to maintain the reduced demand.

3) Remove the trees and replace with smaller trees (such as whitebeam - these are already present on the verge opposite). 

Only Option 3 is supported by the affected homes insurers and while it is possible felling the two nearest trees could mitigate some of the damage as the other two trees would remain and the option is not favoured by the insurers there is a risk of protracted legal action should subsidence resume.

If you'd like to see the original documentation provided please visit my website here.

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