Saturday 16 April 2011

Yes! to Fairer Votes: Shattering the BNP Myth

Rather than defend First Past the Post, the No campaign have spent their millions trying to confuse and scare voters across the UK into voting against reform. Our latest poster will put the "BNP bogeyman" to bed once and for all - but we need your help to get it on a street near you.

Can you give £20 to tell the world that Nick Griffin is saying No2AV?

No2AV continue to peddle the lie that AV would legitimise the BNP and "give more power to fascists". But they are desperate to make sure people don't discover that the BNP is the only party to completely back a No vote.

Nick Griffin knows that AV would make it harder for him to get elected. They are using scaremongering tactics to distract from the fact that AV will be good news for voters and bad news for the cynical, old politics that they are clinging onto.

Yes2AV have identified 36 key areas across the UK where our Nick Griffin poster will have the greatest impact. Each poster van costs £800 a day and will be seen by tens of thousands of people.

There are just 22 days left. Don't let the this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity pass us by.

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Published and promoted by Andy Pellew, Mike Pitt, Neil McGovern, Simon Brierley and the Cambridge Liberal Democrats, all of 16 Signet Court, Swann Road, Cambridge.

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