Monday 11 January 2010

County Council Guidelines on Clearing Snow

To coincide with the disappearance of the snow and ice (at least in Cambridge) the County Council has published some advice on clearing it.

The advice boils down to five "hints";
  • take appropriate steps to ensure your own health and safety
  • try to avoid piling snow and so as to block or obstruct the footway or road in any way
  • use grit form highway grit bins wherever possible
  • avoid using water as it may form ice and make the situation more hazardous
  • take care to ensure all hand tools are removed from the highway
It's a great shame (but not entirely unexpected) that the County Council, while applauding the efforts of individuals across the County to make their communities safer, feels it is unable to offer something more constructive or definitive in the way of advice due to the legal liabilities it would open the County up to.

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Published and promoted by Andy Pellew, Mike Pitt, Neil McGovern, Simon Brierley and the Cambridge Liberal Democrats, all of 16 Signet Court, Swann Road, Cambridge.

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