Sunday, 23 September 2012

Cambridge City Council Grants for Local Groups - One Week To Go!

Cambridge City Council has made available, via the Area Committees, grants for local groups. This round of funding is the last round for 2012-13 and there is only one week left to apply.

Some examples of the type of things that can be fully or partially funded;
  • Summer outing for elderly people
  • Producing a newsletter for local residents
  • Sports and arts activities
  • Community events and festivals
Full information (and contact details) are available here (Google Docs, PDF).

This round closes on the 30th September for decision at the 22nd November meeting.

If you want help putting together a bid please contact us using the details on the left.

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Cambridge City Council Grants for Local Groups

Cambridge City Council has made available, via the Area Committees, grants for local groups. Some examples of the type of things that can be fully or partially funded;
  • Summer outing for elderly people
  • Producing a newsletter for local residents
  • Sports and arts activities
  • Community events and festivals
Full information (and contact details) are available here (Google Docs, PDF).

The first round of funding was completed in March and grants were awarded at the 17th May meeting of the North Area Committee. This round closes on the 30th September for decision at the 22nd November meeting.

If you want help putting together a bid please contact us using the details on the left.
Published and promoted by Andy Pellew, Mike Pitt, Neil McGovern, Simon Brierley and the Cambridge Liberal Democrats, all of 16 Signet Court, Swann Road, Cambridge.

Comments are unmoderated and do not represent the opinion of the blog owner. We reserve the right to delete massively off topic, commercial, defamatory or offensive comments but will do this only sparingly.