Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Summer Holiday activities for kids from the City Council

It is the school summer holidays and children (and teachers!) have some free time.
The City Council's ChYPPs team proivde a range of activities during the summer holiday for children of all ages. The brochure (in PDF) is available online with lots of information.

Today, for example, their are sessions on St Alban's Rec and Nuns Way. Yesterday on Thorpe Way rec (and many elsewhere in the city). Please do have a look at the brochure and use these facilities: a great chance for your kids to make new friends.

You can find out more about ChYPPS (Children and Young People's Participation Service) in their part of the city council website.

Myself: I'm spending the summer holiday tidying the house. Much less fun.

Monday, 26 July 2010

Planning weekly list: Lovell Rd, Kirkwood Rd and Milton Rd

Three items on the weekly planning list this week.

The first is an application for a certificate of lawfulness for a roof extension at 37 Lovell Road, application 10/0604/CL2PD. The second is for "installation of window openings" at Unit 7 on Kings Court, Kirkwood Road. This is application 10/0676/FUL.

The third item on the weekly list is tree works on Milton Road. Number 392 has applied to do work on a Copper Beach and a Lime, in both cases to "raise to 3.5m and crown thin by 20%". Application number 10/192/TREE1.

As usual more information is available from the Development Control website, and in case of difficulties contact the team.

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Arbury Court Library: County library review

The County Council have announced a review of the Library Service throughout Cambridgeshire.

It isn't clear yet what result or impact this will have on the Libraries in Cambridge, but they County have not ruled out changes to the service at either Arbury Court or Milton Road Libraries as drastic as closure.

Last Saturday the Friends of Milton Road library held a discusson and there a similar meeting has been called on Saturday 17th July at 3pm in Arbury Community Centre to see what can be done by the community to defend the Arbury Court Library.

Planning applications last week and this

Three applications on the weekly list, two last week and one this week.

Last week there was an application for a two storey side and rear extension to 41 Lovell Road (reference 10/0507/FUL), and an application to vary "condition 28" of a planning application for the erection of industrial units in Kings Court (off King's Hedges Road) (reference 10/0552/S73).

This week is another extension in Lovell Road, this time two storeys to the rear of 36 Lovell Road (reference 10/0581/FUL).

More details can be found on the City Council web site.

North Area Committee 15 July

This is a bit late to warn people but it is North Area Committee tomorrow.

As usual the meeting is at Manor Community School on Arbury Road. It is on Thursday 15th July, with planning at 6.30pm, and the main agenda starting after that or at 7.30pm.

Planning looks like it will include an application relating to Citygate on Woodhead Drive, as well as other applications from the other wards.

The main meeting agenda has the Open Forum, a chance to ask the local councillors questions on any topic, the public consultation on licensing policy (see the city council website for more information if you can't wait!).

The agenda is online at the City Council website.
Published and promoted by Andy Pellew, Mike Pitt, Neil McGovern, Simon Brierley and the Cambridge Liberal Democrats, all of 16 Signet Court, Swann Road, Cambridge.

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