Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Planning application: Ramsden Square

One planning application to report in the ward.

There is a new application to develop 140 Ramsden Square a two story front and side extention.

The application reference is 09/0421/FUL. More details from the City Council development control website, including how to see the plans and how to comment

Friday, 15 May 2009

City tree works consultation

The processes involved in tree works in public spaces are being reviewed by the City Council and they are keen to get the public's view.

Details of the draft proposal, and information on how to comment, is now available online.

Trees are one important part of what makes Cambridge such a nice place to live, so if you are worried about the trees please have a look at the proposal and let us (and the City Council) know about any concerns.

Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Planning application on Rees Thomas site

There is an application for "Construction of an external plant compound to include an electrical sub-station, two air conditioning condensers and four air source heat pumps" on the Rees Thomas site off Hawkins Road and Downham's Lane.

If you are interested in this application the reference number is 09/0358/FUL and more details can be found from the planning department of the City Council.

North Area Committee tomorrow

Short notice, but it is North Area Committee tomorrow.

As usual there are planning applications at 6.30pm, and the main meeting from 7.30.

The agenda includes items about Environmental Improvements, the use of Arbury Court Car Park, and other items. The Open Forum is your chance to raise any issues you like with local councillors.

The meeting is at Manor School on Arbury Road. I hope to see you there.

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Northfield Avenue petition

Just a reminder that if you would like to see action on Northfield Avenue to make it safer for local residents then you can sign our petition online.

Another Milton Road planning application

The weekly list has one planning application in King's Hedges this week. This time it is for a "single storey conservatory to the rear" of 287 Milton Rd.

The planning reference is 09/0371/FUL. For more details see the City Council development control people. In case of difficulty get in touch.
Published and promoted by Andy Pellew, Mike Pitt, Neil McGovern, Simon Brierley and the Cambridge Liberal Democrats, all of 16 Signet Court, Swann Road, Cambridge.

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